Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please select service(s) required: *PhysiotherapyPodiatrySpeech PathologyOccupational TherapyName of client *FirstLastClient Date of BirthClient residential addressSuburb and PostcodeClient email *Client home phone numberClient mobile phone numberCommunication preferencesPhoneEmailReason for referralRelevant medical historyAllergiesCurrent Medication (prescriptions, over-the-counter and Vitamins):Name of Case Manager *FirstLastEmail of Case Manager *Phone number of Case Manager *Email address for invoicesReferrer Business nameDoes your company have an existing contract with Bluey Mobile PodiatryUnsureYesNoPlease provide Emergency Contact/Next of Kin: Full nameRelation to Emergency Contact/Next of KinEmergency Contact/Next of Kin: Phone NumberClick here to download Risk Assessment FormPlease attach a Risk Assessment for this client, or download our Risk Assessment form and complete. We are unable to see any clients that haven't completed the Risk Assessment. * Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Allied Health Services ReportI do not wish to receive a comprehensive reportAn Allied health service report is completed by the practitioner after each initial visit. Please tick the box if you do not wish to receive a report.Treatment Consent (copy) *I agree to receiving treratmentI have read the above information and understand the reasons Bluey Mobile Health Group collect my personal information and how it is used. I know that it is my choice what information I provide. However, I also understand that withholding information may be detrimental to my treatment. I understand there may be a need to collect further information from other sources, such as radiography reports and/or medical reports. I am aware that I can access and/or correct my personal and treatment information on request. I understand I am financially responsible for any balance due on my account. I consent to podiatry treatment being undertaken by the podiatrist. I understand that Bluey Mobile Health Group will explain all treatments before being administered. I understand I can verbally withdraw consent at any time.Privacy Policy *I have read and understood the Bluey Mobile Health Group Privacy PolicyThere is now a legal requirement that we gain your consent to collect and use personal information about you. Please read the following carefully and sign the declaration if you consent to Bluey Mobile Health Group to collect this information. In order to assess, diagnose, and treat you, Bluey Mobile Health Group needs to collect some personal and medical information from you. We may also use this information for: The administrative purposes of running the practice. Billing, either directly or through a third party. Use within the organisation when giving information to other clinical staff for your ongoing treatment and care. Disclosure of treatment and medical information to your or other clinical treatment providers.How did you hear about us? *Please selectHave previously used Bluey for another allied health serviceGoogleEmailWord of mouthotherPlease detail how you heard about usPrint this pageSubmit